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Basic Management Policy

FUJIX Group specializes in manufacturing and distributing threads for sewing and other various applications. Under the company’s principle “Sincerity”, our business philosophy is to contribute to all stakeholders through products and services created by superior technology and sincerity. We aim to be a global corporate group to contribute to the global sewing industry and embroidery industry and be able to deliver the pleasant hobby sewing to the world.

Basic Policy on Sharing Profit

As our basic policy for dividends, we strive to maintain stable dividends under our strong management foundation. We also continue to make efforts to respond to the expectations of investors over the long term by endeavoring to restore profitability. In order to increase the customer satisfaction and the competitive advantage of our group, we set aside retained earnings for investments in technical and product development as well as in overseas operations and the improvement of our production system. We hope to make effective use of them to restore and improve future profitability.

The 66th March, 2015 12yen50sen
The 67th March, 2016 12yen50sen
The 68th March, 2017 12yen50sen
The 69th March, 2018 62yen50sen ※1
The 70th March, 2019 62yen50sen
The 71th March, 2020 62yen50sen
The 72th March, 2021 70yen ※2
The 73th March, 2022 50yen
The 74th March, 2023 50yen
The 75th March, 2024 50yen

※1. Five shares were consolidated into one share as of October 1, 2017.

※2. Commemorative dividend of the 100th anniversary of the founding" 7 yen 50 sen is included in the 72nd dividend.

Settlement Information

Stock Listings Tokyo Stock Exchange (Standard Market)
Business Results
(Semi-annual : Apr 2023-Sep 2023)
Consolidated Accounts
Net Sales 3,029 Million yen
Ordinary Profit 45 Million yen
Net Profit 119 Million yen
Capital Adequacy Ratio 79.8%
Business Results
(Annual : Apr 2023-Mar 2024)
Consolidated Accounts Unconsolidated Accounts
Net Sales 5,805 Million yen 2,886 Million yen
Ordinary Profit -6 Million yen 39 Million yen
Net Profit 90 Million yen 42 Million yen
Capital Adequacy Ratio 80.2% 88.8%

IR Library
* They will be only in Japanese.